Friday, October 5, 2007

Larry's "Kissell Cult"

When I first considered what to post on this blog, I wasn't thinking about posting anything about Larry's supporters, but it has become clear that this deserves a post here as well.

In another post, I cited how some of his supporters/campaign workers reacted when they were presented with the fact of Larry's endorsement of the Military Commissions Act. They reacted with denial, hostility, name-calling, mockery, and viciously false ad hominem attacks (see Larry Endorses the Military Commissions Act for more).

This seems to be their typical approach to anyone that makes the slightest suggestion that Larry is anything less than perfect. A civil and reasoned debate or discussion to any challenge seems beyond their abilities. They seem to believe Larry can do no wrong and anyone that questions that belief will feel the full force of their wrath -- and any acquaintance with civility, the issue at hand, or (for that matter) the truth, is thrown right out the window.

The person going by the name "Rant" on Daily Kos seems to be the worst; he appears to be their appointed attack-dog. Although (as I've said elsewhere) I'm fairly certain I know who many of his supporters are on Daily Kos (because they sometimes refer to each other by their real first names in the comments) and what relationship they have with the Kissell campaign, I will refrain from revealing this knowledge without absolute certainty (and out of some respect for Daily Kos rules that the "Kissell Cult" doesn't seem to want to abide by themselves when they attempt to expose the real names of those debating them on the site). However, I suspect if anyone knew what Rant's relationship was with the Kissell campaign, they might be surprised in light of some of the things he has said.

As just one example of their vicious personal attacks and dishonesty (as I covered in more detail in the post I cited earlier), Rant responded to the fact that Larry had endorsed the Military Commissions Act with denial and then by falsely accusing Kissell's current progressive opponent (John Autry) of being "unstable" and an "alcoholic." Aside from the fact that Mr. Autry is neither "unstable" nor an "alcoholic" (John doesn't drink at all), this has nothing to do with the fact of Larry endorsing the Military Commissions Act.

I've covered most of the rest of what Rant and others said in the comment section of that particular diary in the post earlier cited, and if that were the only instance of the type of behavior I'm talking about, there wouldn't be a need to make a separate post about it here.

However, because I am aware of other instances of this kind of behavior (and because I expect there will be many other examples in the future), I feel like this will be as good a place as any to document them as I have the opportunity.

Stay tuned....