Friday, October 5, 2007

Larry's Immigration Plan

In an email sent out to some Kissell supporters on October 07, 2006 by his campaign manager Leanne Powell with the subject heading "Please be on the look out for Hayes Commercial" was this paragraph clarifying Kissell's position on immigration (emphasis mine throughout):

"As for immigration Larry's position is more conservative the [sic] Congressman Hayes. Mr. Hayes supports the President's amnesty plan and protection of businesses that employ illegals. Larry says our immigration policy should be based in sound public policy not hate, that said, he believes that we have to secure our borders, deport illegals, prosecute those that bring them over the border and hold employers responsible that employ them. Larry believes that illegal aliens are just that-- illegal and to offer amnesty is to penalize the law abiding people waiting patiently and following the rules to be able to persue [sic] the American Dream."

From an article about Kissell in the March 16, 2007 Salisbury Post:

"On illegal immigration, Kissell said it's just that — illegal....

"The federal government has not done a good job keeping track of immigrants or keeping illegals out of the country, he said. He does not support the president's plan for giving guest-worker permits to illegal immigrants. He supports the proposal to build a fence along the border and combined that with other efforts.

"'What we've done so far has not worked,' Kissell said. 'We've got to stop the bleeding. We've got to stop the influx of 3 to 4 million illegals coming in every year. Once we've done that, it's a combination of finding out who's here and dealing with those on an individual basis. Then, we've got to deal with the companies that are hiring known illegals.'"

On Larry's website there is this:

"Kissell's immigration plan will use the vast technology resources of the newly formed Homeland Security Department to identify and track down illegal immigrants...."


So, as far as Larry's position on immigration, it is; "more conservative" than Congressman Hayes. He wants to "build a fence along the border and [combine] that with other efforts," including; "dealing with" "illegal immigrants" by using "the vast technology resources of the newly formed Homeland Security Department to identify and track [them] down" in order to "deport" them.

We are talking about an estimated 12 million people here. In addition to the costs of building a fence along the border with Mexico and the costs and repercussions of his other proposals, what would be the costs of hunting down and deporting 12 million people from the United States (not to mention the moral and ethical considerations of separating families)?

Who does he think is going to pay for all this?

Is Larry's position on immigration moral, practical, or "sound"?

Is it Progressive?